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Michael J. Maker

Statistics by Year:

Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 20 20 1 1 5 7 5% 65% $228,708 $11,435 $11,435
Turf 12 12 1 3 3 1 25% 58.33% $128,695 $10,725 $10,725
All Weather 10 10 1 3 1 2 30% 60% $148,582 $14,858 $14,858
Total 42 42 1 7 9 10 16.67% 61.9% $505,985 $12,047 $12,047
Graded Stakes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Black-type Stakes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Two-year-olds 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Claiming 8 8 1 1 1 2 12.5% 50% $36,960 $4,620 $4,620
First-time starters 2 2 0 0 0 0% 0% $546 $273 $273
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 219 548 2.5 100 78 83 18.25% 47.63% $7,509,906 $13,704 $34,292
Turf 224 611 2.73 75 80 70 12.27% 36.82% $7,271,638 $11,901 $32,463
All Weather 107 161 1.5 21 24 24 13.04% 42.86% $1,194,002 $7,416 $11,159
Total 377 1320 3.5 196 182 177 14.85% 42.05% $15,975,546 $12,103 $42,375
Graded Stakes 38 85 2.24 7 13 9 8.24% 34.12% $3,169,307 $37,286 $83,403
Black-type Stakes 82 197 2.4 28 25 19 14.21% 36.55% $5,862,211 $29,757 $71,490
Two-year-olds 56 150 2.68 18 21 19 12% 38.67% $1,564,589 $10,431 $27,939
Claiming 110 203 1.85 35 30 39 17.24% 51.23% $1,422,934 $7,010 $12,936
First-time starters 74 74 8 9 5 10.81% 29.73% $617,145 $8,340 $8,340
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 175 444 2.54 89 67 61 20.05% 48.87% $5,906,952 $13,304 $33,754
Turf 213 561 2.63 77 64 72 13.73% 37.97% $8,276,762 $14,754 $38,858
All Weather 132 206 1.56 33 28 29 16.02% 43.69% $1,495,850 $7,261 $11,332
Total 349 1211 3.47 199 159 162 16.43% 42.94% $15,679,564 $12,948 $44,927
Graded Stakes 38 80 2.11 8 5 7 10% 25% $2,976,115 $37,201 $78,319
Black-type Stakes 87 211 2.43 30 20 23 14.22% 34.6% $5,863,237 $27,788 $67,394
Two-year-olds 63 210 3.33 27 30 27 12.86% 40% $2,572,043 $12,248 $40,826
Claiming 97 149 1.54 35 30 22 23.49% 58.39% $1,260,228 $8,458 $12,992
First-time starters 76 76 8 7 7 10.53% 28.95% $535,459 $7,046 $7,046
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 194 429 2.21 81 69 55 18.88% 47.79% $6,311,848 $14,713 $32,535
Turf 219 589 2.69 90 81 85 15.28% 43.46% $8,478,150 $14,394 $38,713
All Weather 126 196 1.56 38 34 32 19.39% 53.06% $1,730,143 $8,827 $13,731
Total 370 1214 3.28 209 184 172 17.22% 46.54% $16,520,141 $13,608 $44,649
Graded Stakes 42 94 2.24 6 10 11 6.38% 28.72% $2,991,296 $31,822 $71,221
Black-type Stakes 83 213 2.57 29 27 27 13.62% 38.97% $6,080,784 $28,548 $73,262
Two-year-olds 60 166 2.77 28 19 23 16.87% 42.17% $2,595,146 $15,633 $43,252
Claiming 139 233 1.68 56 38 38 24.03% 56.65% $1,938,213 $8,319 $13,944
First-time starters 67 67 7 4 4 10.45% 22.39% $517,319 $7,721 $7,721
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 218 460 2.11 80 90 65 17.39% 51.09% $6,027,299 $13,103 $27,648
Turf 268 792 2.96 122 110 115 15.4% 43.81% $8,524,549 $10,763 $31,808
All Weather 67 88 1.31 12 13 10 13.64% 39.77% $397,949 $4,522 $5,940
Total 419 1340 3.2 214 213 190 15.97% 46.04% $14,949,797 $11,157 $35,680
Graded Stakes 46 111 2.41 13 16 16 11.71% 40.54% $3,747,320 $33,760 $81,463
Black-type Stakes 92 238 2.59 26 33 31 10.92% 37.82% $5,360,326 $22,522 $58,264
Two-year-olds 67 164 2.45 25 21 11 15.24% 34.76% $1,690,769 $10,310 $25,235
Claiming 160 261 1.63 56 66 42 21.46% 62.84% $2,022,515 $7,749 $12,641
First-time starters 80 80 9 13 5 11.25% 33.75% $587,614 $7,345 $7,345
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 215 465 2.16 88 66 50 18.92% 43.87% $3,629,724 $7,806 $16,882
Turf 303 853 2.82 159 124 103 18.64% 45.25% $9,849,913 $11,547 $32,508
All Weather 82 110 1.34 23 14 14 20.91% 46.36% $736,034 $6,691 $8,976
Total 431 1428 3.31 270 204 167 18.91% 44.89% $14,215,671 $9,955 $32,983
Graded Stakes 52 110 2.12 14 9 15 12.73% 34.55% $3,681,955 $33,472 $70,807
Black-type Stakes 101 248 2.46 31 32 28 12.5% 36.69% $5,728,490 $23,099 $56,718
Two-year-olds 79 225 2.85 35 28 20 15.56% 36.89% $2,270,221 $10,090 $28,737
Claiming 170 317 1.86 79 47 41 24.92% 52.68% $1,856,564 $5,857 $10,921
First-time starters 98 98 10 9 7 10.2% 26.53% $409,300 $4,177 $4,177
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 135 260 1.93 48 36 37 18.46% 46.54% $2,810,200 $10,808 $20,816
Turf 226 739 3.27 112 130 101 15.16% 46.41% $8,815,647 $11,929 $39,007
All Weather 65 87 1.34 17 8 9 19.54% 39.08% $447,309 $5,141 $6,882
Total 312 1086 3.48 177 174 147 16.3% 45.86% $12,073,156 $11,117 $38,696
Graded Stakes 39 94 2.41 10 11 7 10.64% 29.79% $3,389,265 $36,056 $86,904
Black-type Stakes 80 212 2.65 23 29 24 10.85% 35.85% $5,701,797 $26,895 $71,272
Two-year-olds 64 171 2.67 29 30 18 16.96% 45.03% $2,378,712 $13,911 $37,167
Claiming 115 229 1.99 59 41 27 25.76% 55.46% $1,477,602 $6,452 $12,849
First-time starters 78 78 10 10 5 12.82% 32.05% $386,749 $4,958 $4,958
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 146 276 1.89 44 41 32 15.94% 42.39% $1,828,844 $6,626 $12,526
Turf 226 712 3.15 118 89 88 16.57% 41.43% $7,034,550 $9,880 $31,126
All Weather 99 180 1.82 30 32 31 16.67% 51.67% $824,407 $4,580 $8,327
Total 314 1168 3.72 192 162 151 16.44% 43.24% $9,687,801 $8,294 $30,853
Graded Stakes 50 111 2.22 6 10 11 5.41% 24.32% $1,747,682 $15,745 $34,954
Black-type Stakes 83 255 3.07 23 28 33 9.02% 32.94% $3,713,518 $14,563 $44,741
Two-year-olds 54 143 2.65 21 16 20 14.69% 39.86% $1,360,801 $9,516 $25,200
Claiming 111 225 2.03 52 45 27 23.11% 55.11% $1,205,029 $5,356 $10,856
First-time starters 81 81 9 10 8 11.11% 33.33% $387,134 $4,779 $4,779
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 154 305 1.98 52 43 32 17.05% 41.64% $1,814,712 $5,950 $11,784
Turf 210 677 3.22 126 105 94 18.61% 48.01% $8,414,423 $12,429 $40,069
All Weather 70 127 1.81 38 24 15 29.92% 60.63% $759,732 $5,982 $10,853
Total 306 1109 3.62 216 172 141 19.48% 47.7% $10,988,867 $9,909 $35,911
Graded Stakes 40 97 2.43 12 16 13 12.37% 42.27% $3,346,310 $34,498 $83,658
Black-type Stakes 70 210 3 35 35 33 16.67% 49.05% $5,368,906 $25,566 $76,699
Two-year-olds 57 149 2.61 20 20 13 13.42% 35.57% $805,577 $5,407 $14,133
Claiming 118 226 1.92 57 49 26 25.22% 58.41% $1,130,437 $5,002 $9,580
First-time starters 81 81 8 5 5 9.88% 22.22% $291,871 $3,603 $3,603
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 174 403 2.32 70 60 53 17.37% 45.41% $2,799,881 $6,948 $16,091
Turf 189 602 3.19 117 92 73 19.44% 46.84% $7,518,499 $12,489 $39,780
All Weather 84 147 1.75 34 23 16 23.13% 49.66% $1,244,099 $8,463 $14,811
Total 302 1152 3.81 221 175 142 19.18% 46.7% $11,562,479 $10,037 $38,286
Graded Stakes 36 81 2.25 10 13 7 12.35% 37.04% $2,745,298 $33,893 $76,258
Black-type Stakes 69 191 2.77 32 34 24 16.75% 47.12% $5,650,059 $29,581 $81,885
Two-year-olds 56 174 3.11 25 24 21 14.37% 40.23% $932,881 $5,361 $16,659
Claiming 117 227 1.94 58 34 26 25.55% 51.98% $1,260,781 $5,554 $10,776
First-time starters 86 86 4 5 13 4.65% 25.58% $238,704 $2,776 $2,776
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 161 304 1.89 57 48 39 18.75% 47.37% $2,563,924 $8,434 $15,925
Turf 171 481 2.81 97 76 61 20.17% 48.65% $4,329,893 $9,002 $25,321
All Weather 71 116 1.63 30 20 16 25.86% 56.9% $717,445 $6,185 $10,105
Total 286 901 3.15 184 144 116 20.42% 49.28% $7,611,262 $8,448 $26,613
Graded Stakes 32 52 1.63 6 5 5 11.54% 30.77% $1,828,604 $35,165 $57,144
Black-type Stakes 60 127 2.12 19 14 14 14.96% 37.01% $2,739,041 $21,567 $45,651
Two-year-olds 55 132 2.4 16 23 15 12.12% 40.91% $658,994 $4,992 $11,982
Claiming 99 182 1.84 44 29 26 24.18% 54.4% $866,950 $4,763 $8,757
First-time starters 75 75 7 9 8 9.33% 32% $317,458 $4,233 $4,233
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 161 321 1.99 58 51 55 18.07% 51.09% $3,789,829 $11,806 $23,539
Turf 182 506 2.78 130 68 58 25.69% 50.59% $4,835,765 $9,557 $26,570
All Weather 101 158 1.56 29 28 19 18.35% 48.1% $958,628 $6,067 $9,491
Total 295 985 3.34 217 147 132 22.03% 50.36% $9,584,222 $9,730 $32,489
Graded Stakes 33 76 2.3 6 5 14 7.89% 32.89% $2,470,962 $32,513 $74,878
Black-type Stakes 65 178 2.74 30 20 23 16.85% 41.01% $4,322,110 $24,282 $66,494
Two-year-olds 46 130 2.83 25 18 10 19.23% 40.77% $1,080,054 $8,308 $23,479
Claiming 118 201 1.7 59 38 28 29.35% 62.19% $1,170,598 $5,824 $9,920
First-time starters 60 60 16 7 5 26.67% 46.67% $484,312 $8,072 $8,072
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 187 355 1.9 75 74 44 21.13% 54.37% $2,093,663 $5,898 $11,196
Turf 162 400 2.47 97 63 55 24.25% 53.75% $4,811,462 $12,029 $29,700
All Weather 154 243 1.58 56 45 31 23.05% 54.32% $1,452,200 $5,976 $9,430
Total 313 998 3.19 228 182 130 22.85% 54.11% $8,357,325 $8,374 $26,701
Graded Stakes 25 56 2.24 7 10 5 12.5% 39.29% $1,641,921 $29,320 $65,677
Black-type Stakes 54 132 2.44 21 18 17 15.91% 42.42% $2,721,976 $20,621 $50,407
Two-year-olds 32 66 2.06 11 17 6 16.67% 51.52% $549,685 $8,329 $17,178
Claiming 155 271 1.75 89 49 39 32.84% 65.31% $1,659,305 $6,123 $10,705
First-time starters 52 52 9 8 6 17.31% 44.23% $326,789 $6,284 $6,284
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 101 199 1.97 38 41 29 19.1% 54.27% $2,099,130 $10,548 $20,783
Turf 102 270 2.65 54 43 28 20% 46.3% $2,807,485 $10,398 $27,524
All Weather 119 268 2.25 67 52 38 25% 58.58% $1,958,334 $7,307 $16,457
Total 195 737 3.78 159 136 95 21.57% 52.92% $6,864,949 $9,315 $35,205
Graded Stakes 24 56 2.33 8 8 6 14.29% 39.29% $2,357,314 $42,095 $98,221
Black-type Stakes 40 112 2.8 20 16 15 17.86% 45.54% $3,168,259 $28,288 $79,206
Two-year-olds 35 96 2.74 17 16 8 17.71% 42.71% $907,953 $9,458 $25,942
Claiming 85 194 2.28 37 38 27 19.07% 52.58% $695,048 $3,583 $8,177
First-time starters 52 52 8 10 4 15.38% 42.31% $253,227 $4,870 $4,870
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 129 267 2.07 53 49 27 19.85% 48.31% $3,055,307 $11,443 $23,685
Turf 89 185 2.08 27 29 28 14.59% 45.41% $1,588,798 $8,588 $17,852
All Weather 127 282 2.22 78 47 33 27.66% 56.03% $2,077,731 $7,368 $16,360
Total 197 734 3.73 158 125 88 21.53% 50.54% $6,721,836 $9,158 $34,121
Graded Stakes 24 59 2.46 7 6 11 11.86% 40.68% $2,942,043 $49,865 $122,585
Black-type Stakes 40 120 3 20 18 19 16.67% 47.5% $3,923,980 $32,700 $98,100
Two-year-olds 28 78 2.79 13 8 7 16.67% 35.9% $1,531,293 $19,632 $54,689
Claiming 77 179 2.32 50 29 21 27.93% 55.87% $663,308 $3,706 $8,614
First-time starters 61 61 8 8 9 13.11% 40.98% $157,032 $2,574 $2,574
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 104 198 1.9 36 34 24 18.18% 47.47% $1,137,653 $5,746 $10,939
Turf 89 208 2.34 39 21 25 18.75% 40.87% $1,151,408 $5,536 $12,937
All Weather 118 199 1.69 51 35 19 25.63% 52.76% $1,658,792 $8,336 $14,058
Total 194 606 3.12 126 90 68 20.79% 46.86% $3,947,853 $6,515 $20,350
Graded Stakes 14 36 2.57 3 2 6 8.33% 30.56% $1,103,880 $30,663 $78,849
Black-type Stakes 27 76 2.81 7 6 9 9.21% 28.95% $1,455,818 $19,156 $53,919
Two-year-olds 54 119 2.2 18 13 15 15.13% 38.66% $498,376 $4,188 $9,229
Claiming 81 171 2.11 49 26 24 28.65% 57.89% $716,866 $4,192 $8,850
First-time starters 74 74 10 4 6 13.51% 27.03% $160,093 $2,163 $2,163
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 112 256 2.29 64 45 25 25% 52.34% $1,807,781 $7,062 $16,141
Turf 65 148 2.28 24 18 20 16.22% 41.89% $938,910 $6,344 $14,445
All Weather 102 208 2.04 66 33 24 31.73% 59.13% $1,660,888 $7,985 $16,283
Total 173 612 3.54 154 96 69 25.16% 52.12% $4,407,579 $7,202 $25,477
Graded Stakes 7 17 2.43 3 1 1 17.65% 29.41% $919,669 $54,098 $131,381
Black-type Stakes 27 74 2.74 13 5 9 17.57% 36.49% $1,582,574 $21,386 $58,614
Two-year-olds 24 78 3.25 17 10 9 21.79% 46.15% $662,376 $8,492 $27,599
Claiming 101 224 2.22 65 41 21 29.02% 56.7% $909,229 $4,059 $9,002
First-time starters 34 34 2 7 3 5.88% 35.29% $104,636 $3,078 $3,078
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 105 187 1.78 55 33 29 29.41% 62.57% $1,127,914 $6,032 $10,742
Turf 44 81 1.84 29 7 14 35.8% 61.73% $973,986 $12,025 $22,136
All Weather 104 204 1.96 56 32 30 27.45% 57.84% $1,128,628 $5,532 $10,852
Total 165 472 2.86 140 72 73 29.66% 60.38% $3,230,528 $6,844 $19,579
Graded Stakes 7 11 1.57 0 2 3 0% 45.45% $171,423 $15,584 $24,489
Black-type Stakes 26 55 2.12 10 6 9 18.18% 45.45% $726,783 $13,214 $27,953
Two-year-olds 29 78 2.69 17 12 16 21.79% 57.69% $497,615 $6,380 $17,159
Claiming 91 176 1.93 63 30 23 35.8% 65.91% $962,319 $5,468 $10,575
First-time starters 26 26 2 2 4 7.69% 30.77% $62,961 $2,422 $2,422
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 66 166 2.52 51 26 21 30.72% 59.04% $1,086,309 $6,544 $16,459
Turf 20 42 2.1 7 6 3 16.67% 38.1% $381,564 $9,085 $19,078
All Weather 64 124 1.94 37 20 11 29.84% 54.84% $564,839 $4,555 $8,826
Total 97 332 3.42 95 52 35 28.61% 54.82% $2,032,712 $6,123 $20,956
Graded Stakes 3 8 2.67 0 0 0 0% 0% $69,500 $8,688 $23,167
Black-type Stakes 14 35 2.5 4 1 5 11.43% 28.57% $380,392 $10,868 $27,171
Two-year-olds 23 67 2.91 19 9 5 28.36% 49.25% $486,099 $7,255 $21,135
Claiming 46 105 2.28 31 16 14 29.52% 58.1% $419,806 $3,998 $9,126
First-time starters 22 22 3 3 2 13.64% 36.36% $44,702 $2,032 $2,032
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 49 140 2.86 34 23 14 24.29% 50.71% $742,483 $5,303 $15,153
Turf 8 16 2 3 2 4 18.75% 56.25% $84,285 $5,268 $10,536
All Weather 31 54 1.74 14 7 5 25.93% 48.15% $417,569 $7,733 $13,470
Total 61 210 3.44 51 32 23 24.29% 50.48% $1,244,337 $5,925 $20,399
Graded Stakes 2 3 1.5 1 0 0 33.33% 33.33% $300,000 $100,000 $150,000
Black-type Stakes 10 20 2 2 4 2 10% 40% $399,571 $19,979 $39,957
Two-year-olds 17 62 3.65 11 10 5 17.74% 41.94% $296,497 $4,782 $17,441
Claiming 27 70 2.59 18 11 9 25.71% 54.29% $201,976 $2,885 $7,481
First-time starters 15 15 1 2 3 6.67% 40% $51,363 $3,424 $3,424
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 28 79 2.82 10 14 12 12.66% 45.57% $234,074 $2,963 $8,360
Turf 11 29 2.64 5 2 1 17.24% 27.59% $98,962 $3,412 $8,997
All Weather 10 16 1.6 3 2 2 18.75% 43.75% $22,920 $1,433 $2,292
Total 33 124 3.76 18 18 15 14.52% 41.13% $355,956 $2,871 $10,787
Graded Stakes 2 7 3.5 0 0 0 0% 0% $34,569 $4,938 $17,285
Black-type Stakes 6 14 2.33 0 2 1 0% 21.43% $64,917 $4,637 $10,820
Two-year-olds 6 22 3.67 2 5 2 9.09% 40.91% $50,462 $2,294 $8,410
Claiming 14 29 2.07 5 2 5 17.24% 41.38% $56,595 $1,952 $4,043
First-time starters 9 9 0 3 0 0% 33.33% $13,095 $1,455 $1,455
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 59 166 2.81 28 24 9 16.87% 36.75% $1,111,832 $6,698 $18,845
Turf 18 34 1.89 3 4 1 8.82% 23.53% $124,463 $3,661 $6,915
All Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Total 61 200 3.28 31 28 10 15.5% 34.5% $1,236,295 $6,181 $20,267
Graded Stakes 2 3 1.5 1 0 0 33.33% 33.33% $453,000 $151,000 $226,500
Black-type Stakes 7 14 2 2 3 0 14.29% 35.71% $564,769 $40,341 $80,681
Two-year-olds 21 61 2.9 7 7 4 11.48% 29.51% $94,457 $1,548 $4,498
Claiming 25 65 2.6 9 11 3 13.85% 35.38% $183,354 $2,821 $7,334
First-time starters 21 21 0 0 0 0% 0% $3,575 $170 $170
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 35 92 2.63 12 14 4 13.04% 32.61% $230,731 $2,508 $6,592
Turf 15 22 1.47 2 3 3 9.09% 36.36% $58,190 $2,645 $3,879
All Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Total 37 114 3.08 14 17 7 12.28% 33.33% $288,921 $2,534 $7,809
Graded Stakes 2 3 1.5 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Black-type Stakes 5 7 1.4 0 0 0 0% 0% $3,000 $429 $600
Two-year-olds 18 58 3.22 11 10 3 18.97% 41.38% $199,124 $3,433 $11,062
Claiming 10 27 2.7 4 6 3 14.81% 48.15% $70,195 $2,600 $7,020
First-time starters 17 17 1 2 2 5.88% 29.41% $40,775 $2,399 $2,399
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 3 3 1 0 1 0 0% 33.33% $4,040 $1,347 $1,347
Turf 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
All Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Total 3 3 1 0 1 0 0% 33.33% $4,040 $1,347 $1,347
Graded Stakes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Black-type Stakes 1 1 1 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Two-year-olds 1 1 1 0 0 0 0% 0% $140 $140 $140
Claiming 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
First-time starters 1 1 0 0 0 0% 0% $140 $140 $140
Category Starters Starts Starts/Starter 1st 2nd 3rd Win % % 1st, 2nd or 3rd Earned Avg Earnings per Start Avg Earnings Per Starter
Dirt 23 93 4.04 13 11 14 13.98% 40.86% $54,408 $585 $2,366
Turf 1 1 1 0 0 1 0% 100% $1,353 $1,353 $1,353
All Weather 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Total 23 94 4.09 13 11 15 13.83% 41.49% $55,761 $593 $2,424
Graded Stakes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Black-type Stakes 0 0 0 0 0 0 0% 0% $0 $0 $0
Two-year-olds 2 4 2 0 0 0 0% 0% $845 $211 $423
Claiming 14 42 3 6 6 3 14.29% 35.71% $19,534 $465 $1,395
First-time starters 5 5 0 0 1 0% 20% $1,067 $213 $213
Name: Michael J. Maker
Phone: (502) 548-4280
Trainer Bio

The son of Michigan-based trainer George Maker has been around the racing business his entire life. He bought his first horse when he was 13 with money he earned from working for his father and delivering newspapers. The horse won his first start. Maker spent 10 years working for Hall of Fame trainer D. Wayne Lukas before opening his own stable in 2003. During his time with Lukas, he handled a number of standouts, including Cat Thief, Cash Run, Spain, Orientate, Surfside and the 1999 Horse of the Year Charismatic, winner of the Kentucky Derby and Preakness. Based in Louisville, Ky., Maker has been the leading trainer at Keeneland, Churchill Downs and Turfway Park. Hansen is on a long list of stakes winners prepared by Maker that features Blue Grass winner Stately Victor, Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile winner Furthest Land and Coolmore Lexington Stakes winner Derby Kitten.

Locations Manager on location Email Phone Day Rate # of horses trained
Churchill Downs
Belmont Park
Arlington Park
What's your normal use of veterinary services to manage horses on a day-today basis:
  • Aggressive ($700+ month/horse)
  • Moderate ($300 - $600 month/horse)
  • Occasional (less than $300 month/horse)
Other than day rate, does your billing include charges for:
  • Veterinary
  • Blacksmith
  • Vanning
  • Travel
  • Other
How often do you communicate with Owners:
  • Daily
  • 2-3 times a week
  • Once a week
  • As needed
As much or little as owner requires

Top 10 Winning Horses - Past 12 months

Horse Sex Current Earnings Best Win Race Class Best Win Stake
My Mane Squeeze Filly $860,750 Grade 2 winner Eight Belles S. presented by Sysco G2
Starting Over Gelding $161,400 Grade 2 winner Mac Diarmida S. presented by Corniche G2
Pin Up Betty Filly $432,716 Grade 3 winner Regret S. G3
Frosted Grace Colt $338,590 Grade 3 winner Oaklawn Mile S. G3
Sugoi Gelding $258,055 Grade 3 winner Louisville S. G3
Dynadrive Gelding $128,625 Grade 3 winner John B. Connally Turf Cup S. G3
Misty Veil Filly $301,750 Listed winner Lady Jacqueline S.
Paros Gelding $284,133 Listed winner Prairie Bayou S.
Tut's Revenge Gelding $271,880 Listed winner KY Downs Preview Mint Millions Turf Mile S.
Smokey Smokey Colt $145,566 Listed winner Paradise Creek S.
Horse Sex Earnings Best Race Class Best Stake
Hansen Colt $1,810,805 Champion 2-year-old colt Grey Goose Breeders' Cup Juvenile G1
Zulu Alpha Gelding $2,031,350 Grade 1 winner Pegasus World Cup Turf Invitational S. presented by Runhappy G1
Bigger Picture Gelding $1,524,850 Grade 1 winner United Nations S. G1
Atone Gelding $1,404,875 Grade 1 winner Pegasus World Cup Turf Invitational S. presented by Qatar Racing G1
Henley's Joy Gelding $1,147,408 Grade 1 winner Belmont Derby Invitational S. G1
Red Knight Gelding $1,083,080 Grade 1 winner Man o' War S. G1
Stately Victor Colt $950,704 Grade 1 winner Toyota Blue Grass S. G1
Furthest Land Gelding $888,587 Grade 1 winner Breeders' Cup Dirt Mile G1
Admiral Kitten Colt $792,394 Grade 1 winner Secretariat S. G1
Kitten's Dumplings Filly $778,169 Grade 1 winner Queen Elizabeth II Challenge Cup S. G1
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References Name # Horses Trained Best Horse Trained
Harvey diamond 6 Hansen

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